My poly days memories till today still rings in my head, it can't just fade away. There was this madman called Alatise, who had his self constructed wooden house behind my window. He doesn't talk nor smile. I can't predict how long he has been living behind my window as a lunatic, all i know was that i met him there. At a point, i was forced to asked about him from the indigenes of the community, but none of them could give an account of him. But since he doesn't disturb, i decided to let him be.

When i cooked, at times, i would make sure he had his portion of it. But since he doesn't talk nor smile, he hardly express himself. For this, i know not, if he did appreciate my benign demeanor towards him.

It was Mass Communication Day, so i left home very early that day. I didn't cook nor give Alatise anything to survive on. I wasn't happy at all, for i believed he must have been expecting his breakfast from me.

The programme was scheduled for 8am, so i have been in the hall before 7am. Most of my colleagues, and the invited guests from University of Ilorin met me at the hall. Exactly 8am, the programme commenced. While the guests gave their speech, i saw a cherubic damsel, with curvaceous shape, walking majestically to the hall. Immediately i saw, i couldn't concentrate anymore. My feeling began to covet for her. My eyes was fixed on her until she was able to to found a seat. But unfortunately, we were not allowed to stand up nor walk around the hall.

After hours of the guest's speech section,  the dancing section rolled in. I couldn't wait a minute, i hastily stood up and rushed to where she stood.

"Hello damsel, can i dance with you", i inquired.

"No", she stared at me and walked away.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her, so i decided to continue my walk with her, while she changes her positions like the chameleon.

"Please damsel, i just want you to dance with me, nothing more", i expressed, while i stood in her front so as to obstruct her movement.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yes, push me away if i digress" i buttressed.

She accepted concurred and i walked her to the stage. The stage was filled with colleagues dancing dramatically as the D.J skips. So, we decided to managed the modicum left space of the stage. We danced and danced, until time stole the day.

While we were going home, we exchanged contact and that was how i came to know she is Peju.

"Peju? That is a lovely name", i said.

"Hmm, stop flattering me", she protested.

"I am not, how i wish...hmm?", i paused.

"How you wished what? Better you don't say it", she smiled and boarded a bus.

"Peju is just beaut for me, i hope she becomes mine soon", i thought.

The beauty of the day quenched my hunger for food, yet, i didn't forget the fact that Alatise has not eaten since morning. So, i quickly filled the space in the available car so as to get home as soon as possible. I was about to enter my room when i saw a quote pasted at the entrance of my door. The quote reads:

"Man, you have found a pleasure, please, let it not sleep of your eyes"_ Alatise.

I rubbed my right hand on my face and read again. Though, i met a cherubic damsel. But Alatise wasn't there and sees me with no lady. " Someone must have written this piece here, a colleague to be precised" i protested.

I didn't allow the piece to distract my attention, so, i torn it and opened the door. As soon as i entered my room, i rushed to the kitchen and prepared noodles for Alatise. I looked through the window, hoping he would be in his usual place so as to deliver his food to him, he wasn't there.

I came out of my room, in search for him. Then, i  saw him coming from my neighboring hostel with a piece written on a paper hanged on his neck. I moved closer to him, stretched my hand to give him, his food and at the same time read the piece. The piece again reads:

"Man, you have found a pleasure, please, let it not sleep of your eyes"_ Alatise.




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