As soon as i gave Alatise his food, his laughter rented the air. This he did left me in astonishment. The Alatise i know doesn't smile nor talk. The quotes i saw and his gestures further caged me in dilemma.

I ran into my room and sat on the rug. Different thoughts began to occupied my mind. "I wondered who had written that piece and gave the credit to Alatise". "I suspected my neighbours and doubted it". None of my neighbours can try it, not even to me.

I was still seated on the rug, wondering about the happenings when my phone beeped. It was a texts message from Peju. Peju had in her texts accused me of not caring. She said i didn't bother to know if she has gotten home. Each words in her texts broke me further.

All her imputations were right. I couldn't defend myself, so i put a call forward to her so as to beg her. She accepted my plea and asked me not to do like that again, and that marked the beginning of our friendship.

One Monday afternoon after school, we seated in one of those IBAS classes. We discussed extensively,
we exchanged our personal stories. She cried while she narrated hers. She was an orphan, she was the only child of her parents before they lost battle to death. She discussed her relationship life with me, and it didn't ended well. It was heartbreak episodes.

She asked about mine, i gave mine too, even when i had no bitter experience. I couldn't let her alone be in tears, so, i shed the crocodile type. "It is 7pm and it is late Peju, let's leave this place", i murmured.  " Umar, you know i can't go home right now, you know ", she protested.

Peju lives around Zango, the home of the Alora confraternity boys. And the Aloras and Ayes were counting scores. It was 7-0 and the Aloras lead. The Ayes wanted to equalize or lead, so Zango was deadly.

Peju didn't have female friend nor friends. I was the only friend she had in the class. So, she asked if she can sleep in my room till tomorrow and i accepted.

We headed to the park and fortunately, we met the last bus on the queue. Peju and i sat at the front seat and we discussed till we alighted from the bus.

We were about to cross to the other side of the road when we saw Alatise. He stood up from where he seated and ran to the middle of the road. There, he stopped vehicles coming from both lanes of the road for Peju and i to pass. Alatise gesture astound Peju. Peju asked about him and i told her, he is my neighbour and nothing more.

Peju and i were about to enter the room when Alatise appeared again. In his right hand, he held a plastic Coca Cola with half content. He moved closer to Peju and giggled.

"Take you, drink", he offered Peju the plastic coca cola.

Peju was afraid and took some steps aback.

"No, i am not drinking", Peju protested.

Alatise went down on his knees and tears flooded his eyes . "Take you, drink", he pleaded.
His tears arrested Peju and Peju surrendered. Peju collected the plastic from him and Alatise giggled again.

"Thank you", Peju expressed.

Not until Alatise left, Peju was still shivering. I collected the drinks from her and took her in. While we were in the room, i told Peju that Alatise is kind and harmless and that she should feel free around him. Still, Peju didn't have the courage and left with no courage.

I stared at Peju and smiled. "Why are you staring at me"? She inquired. "Nothing", i replied.

" Better o, please give me your towel, i want to freshen up". She expressed.

I threw the towel at her and she entered the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom, different thoughts began to visit my mind. I love Peju, but the courage to let her know wasn't there. My problem was, i can't face her. I hate when a lady reject my proposal, i do feel broken. So, i torn the middle page of my exercise book and expressed myself in texts to her:


i have found in your eyes,
nothing but an ocean of affection.
place me in your eyelashes,
for i want to live in your dreams,
now and orever."

I quickly dropped it beneath the pillow before she comes out. "Peju,  there is a piece under the pillow, please read it", i requested.

"Ok, i am done. I will come and read it now", she replied.

She came out of the bathroom and walked towards the direction of the pillow. She was about to lift the pillow up when i ran outside, " Excuse me Peju, i am coming ". I began to breath uncontrollably, so i placed my hand on my chest to ameliorate the fear.

While i tried to put off my fear where i stood outside, Alatise came out of his wooden house with a quote written boldly on a paper. The quote reads:

"Be a courageous man, there is no joy in being a coward" _ Alatise

The quote caught me, it was a reflection of my state of mind. I began to wonder "Is Alatise a spiritual being or what?", So, Alatise wrote the previous quotes too?", " What is happening?", the wondering continues...

"Umar!" ?

Who screamed Umar? Alatise or Peju and why?




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