Peju pleaded with all she knows, but i didn't dance to her tune. So, she picked her luggage up and left sorrowfully.
Mina has dressed up when i entered the room. The look on her face wasn't the euphoric type. It was like that of a woman, who caught her husband with another woman in a brothel.
"Who is that lady?", She inquired angrily.
"You mean that uncultured lady that breezed in?", i replied.
"Are you still asking me?", she raised her eyebrows.
"Oh, i didn't tell you? She is my course mate. She has been disturbing me all this while...", I paused.
"Disturbing you in what sense?, she asked.
"She has been disturbing me that she wants me. She wants us to be dating", i expressed, stammering.
"O' babe, why didn't you inform me before now, i would have deal with her", she worried.
"smiles..., just let her go", i insisted.
Unlike Mina that has friends and cousins around, Peju has no one. Still, i didn't bother about her welfare and whereabout the day she left and after. She didn't attend classes nor come to school and i didn't bother to know why.
I deleted her two numbers from my phone contacts and blocked her on my facebook and WhatsApp. Mina became all i have left. As time passed by, Mina moved in and we became more used to each other.
Apart from the very first day Peju and i had fun, she make sure we didn't have another. In a nutshell, she began to campaign against premarital sex.
Mina was quite different. Her sexual mood and i were like the snail and its shell, they slither together. Apart from normal daily meals, she became a meal i can't afford to devour daily. At times i did wonder why she was so easy for me to manipulate. "maybe because she loves me and never want to lose me", or "maybe she has a high libido". Unfortunately, i couldn't extend the frontier of my quest.
Ever since Peju left, Alatise halt his writing of quotes and as well as drawings. He became a less concerned neighbor. Who knows if he has perceived me as a recidivist, who will always revisit the bad acts he was corrected of? a goat would be better. Besides, his writing of quotes and drawings began the very first day i met Peju on campus, and ended the day she left.
One Thursday afternoon, i came back from school to have seen Alatise's wooden house dismantled. I noticed Alatise wasn't around too. While i walked round the hostel in search of him, i overheard some indigenes of the community discussing him. So, i moved closer to them a little bit. It was through their conversations i discovered that it was Alatise's families that came for him. According to what i heard, as soon they came, they surrounded him, held his hands and legs and tied it with rope. They were about to drag him to one of those cars they brought, when some indigenes and students in the community challenged them. Not until they identified themselves and gave some established some impressions through their dispositions, they never wanted them to take him away.
"Alatise is a family name"
"His name is Alatise, David Abèfè"
"We are from Omu-aran, here in Kwara"
"This unhealthy mental state of him started 13years ago and ever since then, he has left home"
"We have been looking for him since then. It was one student of KP, who is from Omu-aran, who knows our family name, and has heard the story of him that facilitated our being today.
"He is a graduate. As brilliant as he was back then, he doesn't heed to advice. He had perceived the family tradition as dogmatism and unreal exercise and for this, he challenged the status quo. And this is the outcome,"
All these i heard left my mouth agape. After gotten the full gist, i left for my room so as to get one or two things done in the kitchen. While i walked down to my room, i saw some rough A4 papers and others scattered on the ground. The A4 papers there had same quotes written on it. "These are Alatise's papers, they must have fell while they were dragging him to the car", i thought. So, i picked one of it up so as to read its content. The quote reads:
"Those who failed, failed because they refused to plan, and those who fall, fall because they failed to heed advice"_ Alatise


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