Alatise has written many quotes, this he wrote before his families came for him i could digest and was able to associate meaning to. "Those who failed, failed because they refused to plan, and those who fall, fall because they failed to heed advice. "Alatise just shot himself in the leg", i thought. "Had Alatise heed to advice too, he wouldn't have been a victim of circumstance". "Like what Uhmu Umar (my mother) used to tell me, "It's not advisable for he who is still alive to make mockery of the dead, for no one knows how death has planned to squeeze life out of him". So, i swallowed my opinion of his situation.
Few months after Alatise's families came for him, i began to missed him. I didn't missed him because of his quotes, of course i wasn't a fan of it. All i did then was to read it and nothing more. His benign demeanor was what i actually missed. Had it been Alatise was healthy mentally, he would have been Mandela's junior. Mandela throughout his stay on earth, had lived to be concerned about others. Oh! i missed him.
Peju would have been the second person i missed too, but what can a man whose face has been veiled see? I didn't missed her at all. After i met Mina, i realized Peju and i were the two sides of a coin. She preaches against what i love, what i derive pleasure in... Unlike Mina who was always ready whenever the task comes up.
The only time i thought of Peju's whereabouts, was during our first semester exams. Throughout the exercise, i didn't set my eyes on her. Let's assumed i know her seatmates during the exams, i would have asked one of them if she has been coming to write her papers. "What has happened to Peju?", "If nothing has happened to her, she would have been present at least for the exams", ah... i prayed it is not what am thinking o", different thoughts began to visit my mind.
I have heard and seen people who committed suicide, because of heartbreak. One of those people who took his life because of heartbreak was Akinyele. He was my classmate during my secondary days. He killed himself because of Lara, one of those beautiful girls in our school. He left a piece before he finally lost battle to death.
" Dear Lara,
I never believed you can do this to me. Despite all the love, caring and things i have given you, cheating on me is all you could used to pay me back. Such is life.
I thought of Peju to have done same, but i quickly opposed the thought.
Besides, if she has taken her life, it would have been reported in the media. Not even on campus where information is spread easily. I thought of Peju to have been kidnapped or be a victim of "one-chance", that is even better, when compared to committing suicide, for one might be released one day.
I was in a state of dilemma for a good complete month, thinking about Peju's whereabouts. Someone had advised me to go to the police station. But the last time i saw her and the situation she was before she left remains an information i can't disclose to the police, not even to anyone.
I unblocked her on my facebook and her last time of seen dated back to the very day she left my house in sorrow. I would have unblocked her on WhatsApp too, but i already deleted her line. A friend helped on how to unblocked her on WhatsApp and we even recovered her number there. I called her number and it was switched off, while the WhatsApp last seen too was as the facebook.
While i battled with Peju's whereabouts, Mina began to act like a slut. She goes out and came back late. Whenever i queried her, she would raised her eyebrows and angrily yelled at me.
"What are you saying? Oh! you think am those type of girls"
"Don't get me angry, please, please!"
I couldn't control her anymore. She has became a female emperor, who can do no wrong. Whenever i unravel what she tries to sweep under the carpet, she would get angry and i would still be the one to plead with her. The day i caught her and a guy smooching each other in a black Toyota car, she said the guy is her uncle and nothing more. Despite the fact that she cheats on me, my feelings for her remains unshakable.
It was on Sunday evening. Mina and i were inside the room. One of her female course mates had birthday party and she invited her. She didn't wanted to go alone, so she asked me to come along.
"Ehn Umar! lest i forget, i usually feel very weak these days. I don't know what has gotten into me" she complained.
"Have you taken any pill?" I inquired.
"Yes, i took...
She threw up all over the rug.


Unknown said…
Pls where are the other episodes for this amazing story.

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