Episode -2

When Mama Toke fainted, Toke’s Form teacher, Mrs Juan Precious Okonkwo quickly alerted her other colleagues who came  running out from their various classes. They all knew #Toke, and most of them were very fond of her because she was a very intelligent and respectful student.

When they saw Toke crying beside her mum she was trying so hard to wake, they came close.

Teachers: “what is happening here, Toke. Are you okay?” they chorused simultaneously.

Toke: “my mother just fell down and she is not talking again. Help me wake her” she said with teary eyes.

In a twinkle of an eye, one of the teachers ran back to her desk in the class and brought back with her a pack of sachet water that she always drank at intervals and soon, they were all sprinkling mama Toke with water.

The women stirred and opened her eyes gently.

Toke: “mama!” she exclaimed excitedly and hugged her mother.

Mama Toke: “what happened to me? Why are you not in your class?” she asked looking around.

Toke: “mama, you fell down just like that” she said looking down on her old and undersized brown sandals.

Mama Toke: “please, my daughter has to go back to the class even if I die. That is my dying wish, I want her to get the best of education” she said and made to faint again but the teachers held her.

Teachers: “madam, madam. It is okay. You will not die and leave such a brilliant daughter behind in this world”

Mrs Juan: I wonder o.. This is not the best way. Dying is not the solution. For God’s sake Once there’s life there’s hope Mama Toke!

Mama Toke: “no, I want to die. Allow me die. What am I doing in this world if I cannot afford to send my daughter to school. I want to die, allow me die so that I can join my husband in the land of the dead and ask him why he died and left me all alone to take care of our daughter” she said.

The teachers conferred together for few minutes and they agreed that Toke be allowed to attend classes pending when her mother would be able to pay her fees

Mama Toke marched out of the school premises triumphant, after she had watched her daughter return back to class and take her seat on the front roll.

Mama Toke: “wow, I didn’t know that this fainting trick will work o. See how they just allowed my daughter enter the class without them asking me when I will pay her fees” she soliloquized as she made her way to her shaft makeshift stall in the market where she sold pepper and tomatoes.

==== ( Grace Doingz enters 🔥🔥 )

Grace was Toke’s cousin on her paternal side but because of the problems Toke’s family had with her mother concerning the death of her father, Grace’s father forbade his daughter from having any form of contact with Toke even though they were in the same school.

#Grace was three years older and two years ahead of Toke in school but she was a dull student who was always coming last in her class

At sixteen, Grace was bigger than her age with big boobs and robust buttocks. Her parents were disciplinarians who were over protective of her for fear of her frolicking with boys should they give her the freedom that she desired.

Her parents were also envious of Toke’s academic poweress and had gone ahead to accuse Toke’s mother of using her witchcraft to convert and transfer their daughter’s intelligence.

#Grace was all excited as she returned home after school that day to meet her parents watching a broadcast on NTA about president Buhari who had returned from his more than 3 months medical trip in London.

Grace: “papa, mama, good afternoon” she greeted.

Papa Grace: “welcome, how was school today? Hope you listened attentively to all that your teacher taught you?” he asked without taking his eyes from the television screen.

Grace: “yes, I listened sir” she said.

Papa Grace: “good, make sure you come first this term, I want you to be as intelligent as that useless Toke” he said, hatred engraved in his voice

Mama Grace: “Ah, my daughter must be more intelligent that that Toke. Since Toke’s mother has taken my daughter’s brain to their coven, my God will help me fight her and return my daughter’s intelligence. I call on the God of Elijah, the God that answereth by fire to consume mama Toke and her daughter and all the witches and wizards in this community” she said and father and daughter chorused “Amen!”

Mama Grace: “my dear, go and carry your food and when you finish eating, wash your uniform and wait for your lesson teacher to come”

Grace: “okay, ma” she said and made for the kitchen door but turned halfway.

Grace: “ehen mama, if I tell you what happened in my school today ehn, you will laugh very well” she grinned.

Mama Grace: “really? So what happened? Were some witches and wizards caught and disgraced in public?”

Grace: “mama, it is Toke’s mother o, hmmm” she said and paused, enjoying the attention that her mother was giving her.

Papa Grace: “that witch came to your school?” he asked, taking his eyes away from the television. There was no news that pleased his ears as much as that of any misfortune that befalls Toke and her mother.

Grace: “yes o, she came to our school and fainted there”

Mama and Papa Grace: “What!” they shouted simultaneously and gave each other a knowing look.

Mama Grace: “don’t tell me that my God, the mighty one in battle disgraced her there” she said anxiously.

Papa Grace: “what was she even looking for in your school in the first place?”

Grace: “from the things we heard the teachers discussing, they said that Toke went and brought her mother to plead with her class teacher to allow her stay in school until her mother is able to pay her fees. While they were discussing with the class teacher, mama Toke started shaking like fish that had been taken out of the water and the next thing she fainted and I know why she fainted. It is because our CRS teacher was in our class praying which is something that she normally does before she starts her classes every day. You know that witches and wizards don’t like prayers, that was what affected Toke’s mother. I don’t know why that Toke didn’t faint too, I don’t like seeing her in school” she said, squeezing her face.

Mama Grace: “I said it, my God is a consuming fire. He has disgraced my enemy in the presence of little children” she said excitedly.

Papa Grace: “she has not seen anything yet. No woman lives to enjoy her life after killing her husband. It is coming, let her wait for it” she said.

Mama Grace: “but wait, I know that woman very well and I know that she can do anything to see that her daughter goes to school. I am sure that fainting is fake. Yes, she did it so that they will accept her daughter back and the teachers foolishly fell for it. Are we not the ones being cheated here? We will pay our children’s school fees and another person’s child will be allowed to stay in school without paying. It won’t work. I am going to that your school to complain tomorrow, Toke must not be allowed to stay until she has paid her fees”

She said and her husband nodded in agreement…

Episode 3 To be updated  soon

Here on this episode is another crazy family that do not understand the merciful nature of God. Who can predict their end? Will their daughter ever make them proud with the way they are training her?


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