Throughout the day, my thought was fixed to the quote. Yet, i couldn't savour any meaning from it. "Don't be like that poor man, who later became rich and wanted to become God, for he was broken". I began to asked myself: who was that poor man, who later became rich and wanted to become, and was later broken? No! "this is out of it.", I halt bothering myself over the quote. " If Alatise is not this confused, how would one know he is a lunatic ", i thought and move on.

Ever since Alatise chased Mina with plank, she has refused to pay me visit. Of course, i didn't blame her. Had i been in her shoe, i would have done more than not paying such friend visit anymore. I can't just imagine myself being chased by madman with plank, not even in my dream.

Mina after her encounter with Alatise, we had resolved on using her room for the tutorial, but it couldn't work, for her room was just like a bazaar. They were four in the room. Mina's two cousins, one of her course mates and her. The library would have been a better option, but any form of discussion in the library would be a distraction to other students. We also thought of using available classes or noise free environment during school hours, but our timetables couldn't let it work. And she claimed she can't wait till after school hours, for a reason known to her.

So, i suggested we use my room. As soon as i mentioned my, she raised her eyebrows and spat at the air. " Ehn, what did you just say", she asked angrily. "Oh, i just realized you don't like me". " You want that madman you are living in your hostel to tear me apart", she raised her voice up. "Oh! i am sorry. But come to think of it, Alatise is not what you thought of him", i expressed.

" Really?", she asked. "Yes, Mina".

Like Peju, Mina asked about Alatise, and i gave her full gist of him. She was astounded by what she heard of him. "So that madman has been this benign?", she asked. "That is Alatise for you", i buttressed. All Mina heard of him erased her fears.

Weeks after i discussed Alatise with her, she came for a visit. She came across Alatise on her way to my room. She thought of running away, but later recomposed herself. She walked passed him and Alatise harmed her not. When she entered my room, she gave an account of how she walked passed him without any strange reactions from him. Then i asked, "can you now see what i said of him?". She nodded.

She became consistent in her visit and perceived Alatise as threat no more. So, she breezed in and breezed out at her convenience time. At times when she came for tutorial, she would prepared food in her hostel and designated Alatise and i portion of it. And in some occasions, she would cooked in my hostel. No matter how spicy and enticing her food is, Alatise won't eat out of it. Not even a spoon. As soon as Mina delivered the food to him and turned back, Alatise would threw it away. Mina noticed he does not eat her food, she asked me why and i told her he would in a matter of time. But Mina was that type of person, that sees no virtue in patience, so she decided not to be giving him food anymore.

Alatise too became weather. He doesn't eat my food when Mina is around. And whenever she is not, he would eat it and even belch if it is fine. Then, i began to wonder: "what Alatise meant by this new selection and rejection of him", "Why did he choose to be benign to Peju at first sight and in contrary to Mina", "Besides, Peju is my lover, while Mina is just my friend", Alatise disposition left me in dilemma.

One Saturday morning, Mina came for her statistics tutorial. They have the test on Monday, so she came as early as 9am. As soon as she arrived, we started the tutorial. In few hours, we were able to cover the mean, median, mode, standard deviation aspects of it. While, we were left with just three topics untreated. So, we decided to go for 10mins break and after then complete the remaining topics. In my room, i had two plastic chairs and one table. I seated on one and she seated on the other. She stood up from her chair and sat on my laps. Before i could protest, she had made our lips one. I couldn't control myself anymore. My rod began to salivate like a hungry dog. "Meet me in bed, i have wanted you before now", she whistled to my ear. She stood up and walked majestically to the bed. On bed, we became one as my rod found comfort in her. It was a cool Saturday.

After an affairs with Mina, she became the me in me, as i found comfort in her garden of love. Mina and i became Siamese twins, that cannot be separated from each other. Mina's love began to supplant Peju's love in my heart. I decided not to be calling Peju anymore, and when ever she calls and asked why i have changed to her, i would be giving excuses. I didn't bother to ask her when she would be come back to school anymore. She had also decided not to give me her date of resumption anymore, since the previous ones she gave failed. I know it was because of her grandma's health, but i never care.

Mina had packed some of her stuffs to my room. She spent most of her time in my hostel than hers. And in most cases, she did passed her nights in my room. It wasn't a full cohabitation.

That very day, i don't know if Peju wanted to surprised me with her arrival, but what she saw was other way round. She didn't informed me that she would be back that day, nor was i aware she was on her way. She breezed into the room with her luggage without any notification and she met me on Mina. We didn't jam the door, we were carried away. She didn't believed what she saw. Tears flood her eyes as she dropped her luggage.

"No wonder Umar. You decided not to be calling. And when i do, you give excuses. So this is what you have been doing", she expressed in pains.

"You Umar, Umar you", she pointed a finger at me, while she trembled.

Immediately, she exited the room. Soon as she left, i took to my towel and ran after, with her luggage. "Eh" she turned back and i threw her luggage on the ground. "When you are done weeping, pick your luggage and secede this space. It's over between us", i submitted angrily.

She couldn't believed what she heard. I was the culprit here, she expected a sorry from me. But unfortunately, i didn't. She held my legs tightly, while she rolled on the ground.

"Umar, why me, what have i done?" She frain, while tears gushed from her eyes.

While i tried to disengage myself from her, there we were when Alatise passed. When he got to where Peju and i were, he halt for awhile and shake his head and walked. Unlike before, that he did giggle at a glance at Peju, he didn't this time around. That maybe the dictate of the unknown.

In his neck, he hanged some rags and one rough A4 paper. He didn't ventured in quotes alone this time around. The contents in the paper were drawings, an art work and a Yoruba adage. He had drew a hunter in the bush, who held a gun with whistle in his mouth. He also drew a dog that looked helplessly in the bush. Beneath the drawings, before he gave the credit to himself, he wrote a Yoruba adage, which i believed complement the drawing. The adage reads:

"Àjà t'oba màà sònù, koni gbò fere Òlòdè"_ Alatise

Meaning, the dog that will go missing, won't listen to the whistle of his master(the hunter).




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