"Umar! come inside the room now", Peju requested.

Fear hijacked me all over again. "How am i going to face her when i entered the room?", "Maybe i should just lower my gaze, but what if she asked me to read the contents of the piece to her ears? Ehn! i will just melt", range of thoughts began to visit my mind.

Of course, i have gotten some words of courage from Alatise's quote, but that it wasn't enough. I wasn't an aficionado of motivational quotes, so i hardly get motivated by it. Besides, I was only astounded that Alatise could write, and whatever he writes did read my state of mind. I was still outside, rehearsing on how to face her when she called again.


"I am on my way Peju", i began to walk slowly like a snail. When i got to the door, i halt and recited a verse from the Holy Book. Then, i opened the door and entered. I couldn't found Peju where she was when i came out. I turned to each corners of the room, still, i savour no traces of where she was. It was then i screamed her name.

"Peju! where are you?", i inquired.

"I am inside the kitchen. There is a piece beneath the pillow, pick it up and read gently", Peju instructed.

"Ok, Peju". I lifted the pillow and picked the piece. It was a piece that brings euphoric to the heart. In the piece, Peju she said she has fallen in love with me from the very first day we met, but it is un-Africa and myopic for a lady to woo a guy. Such lady as time goes on would be taken for granted. For this, she decided to concealed the covet feelings she had for me. Also in the piece, Peju had not only accepted to be mine, she had promised to love me till the end of time, in as much as i break her heart not. I was so much happy, it was a dream come true.

In euphoric, i rushed into the kitchen. Shyness had already enveloped Peju. She lowered her gaze and refused to look into my eyes. I moved closer to her and hugged tightly. It was then she looked into my eyes. It was indeed an euphoric moment. For our lips became one in different bodies, riding in each other without frictions.
At a point, the kitchen couldn't perfect our romantic dramas anymore, so i lifted her up as the groom lifts the bride to the bed. It was nice on the bed. She ran her fingers on my chest, while i stripped her to the skin. I couldn't control myself anymore. While i  tried to pull her, she savoured a burning food. She jumped down from the bed.

"Oh! it is the food am cooking", she hastily dressed up and rushed to the kitchen, while i was still on the bed. "This food don spoil my show", i murmured. After few minutes, i stood up and wore my trouser. " Umar, the food is ready. Can i serve now?", she inquired. "Yes, Peju. Meanwhile, don't forget to serve Alatise too", i expressed. "Ok", she replied.

Before she served ours, she has already packaged Alatise's food in takeaway, so i asked her to go and deliver it to him. She said she can't go alone, then, i accompanied her. Like a labourer waiting for wages, we saw Alatise seated patiently on the floor in front of his wooden house.

"That is him Peju, go and give it to him", i instructed her.

"Hmm, i am afraid o. Hope he won't hurt me?" She inquired.

"No! Alatise is harmless, he won't hurt you", i expressed.

This i said gave her courage. She walked towards Alatise's direction with the takeaway in her right hand. Immediately Alatise noticed she was coming to him, he stood up from where he seated and giggled. Peju handover the takeaway to him and hurriedly vacate his space. "Smiles, can you see he is harmless", i concluded. "Hmm, it ok", she replied.

I held her hand and walked her to the room. Peju had served my food and hers in one plate, so we ate the food together. When we were done eating, we discussed all that happened and time stole the day.

Peju and i became talk of the town. Many had known on campus and in the street that we are lovers. We became the snail and its shell. We attended all activities together. Even when we were in semester and session break, we did visit each other. When we were in ND2, we decided to be living together and this paved way for cohabitation.

Fact that Peju and i were living together, Alatise doesn't look scary to her anymore. When ever Peju cooked, she would served Alatise and be the one to take it to him, even when i wasn't around. When ever Alatise came across Peju, the air would experienced laughter. I didn't know the reason till date.

One Saturday night, we had just finished eating and was about to sleep when the thunder began to roar like a hungry lion. Then, heavy breeze began to sneaked in through the open space of the window and door. After few seconds, the sky began to shed heavy tears. The whole of the room became cold, while Peju lips clapped each other concurrently. She was cold and shivering. So, she rested her head on my chest while we both used the duvet. It continues to rain heavily, while Peju continues to shiver and trapped down by the cold. She held me tightly and another history of romance was written.

This time around, we were both lost in the game. Our lips couldn't execute it alone, for my rod penetrated through her thigh and pumped blood out of her red sea. It was a good Saturday, Peju moaned nicely. She stood up and ran into the bathroom, the calabash has broken.
There, she was weeping. "Peju, you don't need to be crying. I am here for you. I will marry you. I understand you just lost your virginity, don't worry about that, I will marry you", i expressed.

"Promised?", she asked.

"I promised", i replied.

We both freshen up in the bathroom and go back to the bed.

Weeks after the occurrence, Peju was called from Lagos that her grandma had an accident and that there was nobody to take care of her. So, Peju traveled to Lagos so as to be with her for sometime. Though, Peju and i did call, still, i began to miss her than usual. She had promised to use two weeks and it spanned beyond two weeks. At a point, i feel like traveling to Lagos, just to at least see her. Then, she promised to come back to school in a week time.

I was very lonely, no one to discuss with nor share my problems with. Alatise would have been a better friend, but his health condition has disqualified him. Being at home all alone became boring, so i decided to be passing my time in the library. In one of my days in the library, i met with Mina, a student of Business Administration department, ND1. She was cute and good looking. Just like Peju, she has a nice dimples and hips. She has seen me with statistics textbook and asked me if i can tutor her when am less busy. I nodded and we exchanged numbers, and address.

The first day she visited me was hell of a day. She had called my number and asked if i was at home. I asked her to be on her way, for i would be home in five minutes time. Unfortunately, i was delayed by the Moraba hold up. So, she seated at the entrance of my room. There she was when Alatise saw her, He took to a plank and began to chase her until he couldn't see her again.

I was about to alight from the bus when my phone beeped. It was Mina's calls. She complained of Alatise and how he mercilessly threatened her. I told her about Alatise's state of health. I begged her and promised to make amendment.

Immediately i dropped the call, i alighted from the bus. I crossed to the other side of the road and went straight to Alatise's wooden house. He wasn't there. "He may be around the hostel", i thought.

I walked down to my room so as to get one or two things done before he comes. At the entrance of my room, there i saw Alatise seated. As soon as he saw me, he stood up and walked away. In front of my door, a new quote has been pasted. I read the quote more than five times and i couldn't digest it contents. The quote reads:

"Dont be like that poor man, who later became rich and wanted to become God, for he was broken"_Alatise




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