
Showing posts from March, 2019

THE AGONY OF LOVE -- Episode 2

THE AGONY OF LOVE Episode-2 "Of course you won’t” his mum declared, glaring at my parents and I. I swallowed. The pain I was feeling in my chest was burning. “You will” the Senator declared and everyone turned to him. I didn’t give a damn what he said. “What are you saying dad? I am supposed to marry Precious   and I will. I love her” he said with finality. “You should have thought of your love for her before sleeping with another woman. You must face the consequences of your actions, you won’t make me lose my election because of your foolishness.” He said sternly. “Come with me” he stormed out of the sitting room. Copper and his mum followed instantly and copper Benson looked like someone going to war. Tears flowed freely and dad did not waste the opportunity to rain insults on me for bringing shame to him. Mum tried to console me but I was totally shattered. I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes. How could my life suddenly turn to a horror movie within the twinkling o


CRISIS LOOM IN OYO OVER NURTW LEADERSHIP TUSSLE Imminent crisis is looming in Oyo State over leadership tussle as supporters and associates of former factional chairman of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Alhaji Mukaila Lamidi (aka Auxiliary), have vowed to take over the leadership of the union on May 29, 2019. The supporters at a radio programme in Ibadan on Monday said the current acting chairman of the NURTW in the state, Alhaji Abideen Olajide a.k.a Ejiogbe, will be sacked for Auxiliary to return. Ogunesan Ogunniran, a former Secretary of Lagelu Interstate of the union who led other aides of Auxiliary to the station, stated emphatically that the current acting chairman of the NURTW in the state, Alhaji Abideen Olajide a.k.a Ejiogbe, will be sacked for Auxiliary to return. Ogunniran said, “He is sure the new government in the state will intervene and put their group in charge of the union.” He argued that it was those who were loyal to the party and govern


THE BLEEDING HEART Episode -2 When Mama Toke fainted, Toke’s Form teacher, Mrs Juan Precious Okonkwo quickly alerted her other colleagues who came  running out from their various classes. They all knew #Toke, and most of them were very fond of her because she was a very intelligent and respectful student. When they saw Toke crying beside her mum she was trying so hard to wake, they came close. Teachers: “what is happening here, Toke. Are you okay?” they chorused simultaneously. Toke: “my mother just fell down and she is not talking again. Help me wake her” she said with teary eyes. In a twinkle of an eye, one of the teachers ran back to her desk in the class and brought back with her a pack of sachet water that she always drank at intervals and soon, they were all sprinkling mama Toke with water. The women stirred and opened her eyes gently. Toke: “mama!” she exclaimed excitedly and hugged her mother. Mama Toke: “what happened to me? Why are you not in your class?” sh


THE AGONY OF LOVE  Episode-1 Never have I fathomed in the four corners of my little mind that I would be derailed from my goals. My eyes have always been fixed on that glorious spot. I always spied my neighbor’s television just to be able to listen the news, see beautiful people and aspire to be like them, but everything changed all of a sudden. My focus was diverted, my brain was hacked by a stronger device and I was left with only one thing to drive my every action – my emotions. Corper Benson appeared and he became the driver of my every action because he held the key to my heart………. My legs dragged sluggishly on the fanciful Abuja road as I forced myself to keep the pace my parents were setting. We have spent three days here in Abuja, doing only one thing – searching for Corper Alfred Benson. I cant believe all that is happening and waking up from this nightmare seems practically impossible. My legs throbbed and my waist seemed strained from excessive walking. Every pedestri


THE BLEEDING HEART EPISODE 1. A Thirteen years old Toke walked with her widowed mother to the community secondary school in their town where she had been sent home by her teacher because she had failed to pay her school fees. She was the only child of her mother who had lost her husband shortly after the birth of her daughter.. Mama Toke was left with almost nothing by her husband to take care of herself and her daughter. Her husband, had been a successful merchant when he was alive and he had built a name for himself among the local traders in that town for he was one of those men who could lend out huge sums of money for months without asking for interest. He was a tall man with broad shoulders and a husky voice that complimented his looks. People wondered how he had fallen in love with Toke’s mother who was of a small frame and average height. The combination of her father’s height and her mother’s small stature had given Toke her average frame.. Toke’s father who was a


#WILLIAM_TYNDALE ~ Th e man who translated the Bible into English and was burnt alive at the ridiculous young age of 42 years old, for his efforts. (Google Foxe's book of Martyrs.) Nearly 500 years ago, this week, William Tyndale, fondly called 'Father of the English Bible' was strangled and burned at the stake after being tried and convicted of heresy and reason for translating the Bible into English. HIS OFFENSE! He translated the Greek Bible into English. That you have a Bible in a language you can read is largely due to his labours, and many of the very phrases you read in it retain the flavour of his understanding of the Greek and Hebrew. A graduate of Oxford and Cambridge, Tyndale had a powerful desire to make the Bible available even to the common people in England, in order to correct the 'Biblical ignorance of the priests.' At one point Tyndale told a priest, "If God spares my life, are many years pass, I will cause a boy that drive


WERE ÒYÙN 6 Alatise has written many quotes, this he wrote before his families came for him i could digest and was able to associate meaning to. "Those who failed, failed because they refused to plan, and those who fall, fall because they failed to heed advice. "Alatise just shot himself in the leg", i thought. "Had Alatise heed to advice too, he wouldn't have been a victim of circumstance". "Like what Uhmu Umar (my mother) used to tell me, "It's not advisable for he who is still alive to make mockery of the dead, for no one knows how death has planned to squeeze life out of him". So, i swallowed my opinion of his situation. Few months after Alatise's families came for him, i began to missed him. I didn't missed him because of his quotes, of course i wasn't a fan of it. All i did then was to read it and nothing more. His benign demeanor was what i actually missed. Had it been Alatise was healthy mentally, he would have be


WERE ÒYÙN 5 Peju pleaded with all she knows, but i didn't dance to her tune. So, she picked her luggage up and left sorrowfully. Mina has dressed up when i entered the room. The look on her face wasn't the euphoric type. It was like that of a woman, who caught her husband with another woman in a brothel. "Who is that lady?", She inquired angrily. "You mean that uncultured lady that breezed in?", i replied. "Are you still asking me?", she raised her eyebrows. "Oh, i didn't tell you? She is my course mate. She has been disturbing me all this while...", I paused. "Disturbing you in what sense?, she asked. "She has been disturbing me that she wants me. She wants us to be dating", i expressed, stammering. "O' babe, why didn't you inform me before now, i would have deal with her", she worried. "smiles..., just let her go", i insisted. Unlike Mina that has friends and cousins around, P


WERE ÒYÙN. PART 4 Throughout the day, my thought was fixed to the quote. Yet, i couldn't savour any meaning from it. "Don't be like that poor man, who later became rich and wanted to become God, for he was broken". I began to asked myself: who was that poor man, who later became rich and wanted to become, and was later broken? No! "this is out of it.", I halt bothering myself over the quote. " If Alatise is not this confused, how would one know he is a lunatic ", i thought and move on. Ever since Alatise chased Mina with plank, she has refused to pay me visit. Of course, i didn't blame her. Had i been in her shoe, i would have done more than not paying such friend visit anymore. I can't just imagine myself being chased by madman with plank, not even in my dream. Mina after her encounter with Alatise, we had resolved on using her room for the tutorial, but it couldn't work, for her room was just like a bazaar. They were four in t


WERE ÒYÙN. PART 3 "Umar! come inside the room now", Peju requested. Fear hijacked me all over again. "How am i going to face her when i entered the room?", "Maybe i should just lower my gaze, but what if she asked me to read the contents of the piece to her ears? Ehn! i will just melt", range of thoughts began to visit my mind. Of course, i have gotten some words of courage from Alatise's quote, but that it wasn't enough. I wasn't an aficionado of motivational quotes, so i hardly get motivated by it. Besides, I was only astounded that Alatise could write, and whatever he writes did read my state of mind. I was still outside, rehearsing on how to face her when she called again. "Umar!" "I am on my way Peju", i began to walk slowly like a snail. When i got to the door, i halt and recited a verse from the Holy Book. Then, i opened the door and entered. I couldn't found Peju where she was when i came out. I turne


WERE ÒYÙN. PART 2 As soon as i gave Alatise his food, his laughter rented the air. This he did left me in astonishment. The Alatise i know doesn't smile nor talk. The quotes i saw and his gestures further caged me in dilemma. I ran into my room and sat on the rug. Different thoughts began to occupied my mind. "I wondered who had written that piece and gave the credit to Alatise". "I suspected my neighbours and doubted it". None of my neighbours can try it, not even to me. I was still seated on the rug, wondering about the happenings when my phone beeped. It was a texts message from Peju. Peju had in her texts accused me of not caring. She said i didn't bother to know if she has gotten home. Each words in her texts broke me further. All her imputations were right. I couldn't defend myself, so i put a call forward to her so as to beg her. She accepted my plea and asked me not to do like that again, and that marked the beginning of our friendship.


WERE ÒYÙN My poly days memories till today still rings in my head, it can't just fade away. There was this madman called Alatise, who had his self constructed wooden house behind my window. He doesn't talk nor smile. I can't predict how long he has been living behind my window as a lunatic, all i know was that i met him there. At a point, i was forced to asked about him from the indigenes of the community, but none of them could give an account of him. But since he doesn't disturb, i decided to let him be. When i cooked, at times, i would make sure he had his portion of it. But since he doesn't talk nor smile, he hardly express himself. For this, i know not, if he did appreciate my benign demeanor towards him. It was Mass Communication Day, so i left home very early that day. I didn't cook nor give Alatise anything to survive on. I wasn't happy at all, for i believed he must have been expecting his breakfast from me. The programme was scheduled for