My name is Àyìndé. The wise ones call me a special child while the gullible ones call me an imbecile.
My parents were blessed with me after 15 years of barrenness. Are you wondering how I could call a challenged person like me a blessing to couple that longed for child for good 15 years? Well, I am right perhaps. Just continue with my life story.

I heard in story that my parents were popular in the community since their early years of marriage due to their unlimited magnanimousity and I grew up to meet them as the same freegivers. Should I start from the transformers they solely bought for the community to save them from months of darkness? Or the kids in the neighborhood they have paid their school fees when their parents were incapacitated? What of footing hospital bills of many patients among other kind gestures time would not allow me to state here?

Their long years of waiting for fruit of womb was not a concern to them alone but the community at large who were almost tempted to question God on why the nice people should be in want.
Despite their challenges, their love waxed stronger. They had almost given up on having a child when my mom conceived me.

The day the news of my birth was broken to the neighborhood was like festive season during Nigerian glory days. The joy on my mother's face was nothing compared to the happiness my father felt. The gifts my mother received were enough to pay the debt owed by a Nigerian State. The hospital had to discharge my mother sooner than expected before well wishers would turn the hospital to a Museum.

The happiness of my parents was cut short some years later when I was discovered to be a child with down syndrome. There were many times my mother in my presence lamented and cursed God for gifting her a conditional blessing. She was absolutely oblivious of the fact that my ailment doesn't prevent me from being conscious of my environment and what people say about me.

Oh! I have forgotten to tell you I love drawing. Nobody is totally useless. God will always bless a bard man with a beard. Even the pebble by the roadside side has its purpose of existence. I haven't seen any object I can't draw perfectly. My parents noticed this in me and always provide me with all drawing materials.
There was a day I sat on the dinning drawing my parents unknown to them as they were discussing on the sofa. Their discourse was later diverted to lamentations on my condition. I stopped what I was drawing, headed to my room and locked myself inside. It took them hours to persuade to open the door. That was the first time they realized I am conscious of every word said in my presence and they since then, stopped complaining. In my presence at least.

Did I tell you my drawings are always inspirational like a spirit is directing me? I may go to the market overt, sit in any shop and start drawing the view of people passing by. Sitting in any shop never poses a problem for me due to my parents' status in the neighborhood. People shower on me love and indulge any of my errors.
There was a day I saw a room at the second street to ours opened with no one inside. I entered the room and started drawing the TV. I have already made mess of every place when a boy in his late teens entered with his mum. He was so angry and was about to descend on me when his mother stopped him. She told him the story of how my parents paid for his heart surgery when he was young. The woman smiled at me, told me to feel at home and draw anything I wish.

My parents were advised to enrol me in school for me to at least mix with people. Hesitantly, they agreed but urge the school management not to repeat me for a class to avoid emotional set back.

My time in school I thought would be a blessing was the opposite. I was always bullied and mocked by peers unknown to teachers. I could only cry alone since there was no how I would report to teachers.
In the city full of devils ,there would be at least an angel. Titi was my own angel in school. She had most time fought other guys for my sake. People mocked her for moving close to me because of money but she was not deterred. We were always together during break period. In my life, Titi was the first person to make me feel like a human.
Oh! Don't let me forget to tell you about Titi's background. She is from a poor family. When I say poor, I mean very poor. Her parents got to know about me a day my mother visited me in school and saw us together. She was so happy that she paid Titi's school fee. Her parents expected her to be sent home as defaulter as usual but were so surprised when she arrived in the evening and told them about my mother. She even gave her additional 30 thousands for upkeep. Coincidentally, her mum was seriously sicked at home but they couldn't take her to hospital due to lack of fund.

Well, my closeness to Titi turned out to be the greatest sorrow of my life. How worst thing happened from the best intention, how devilish human being can act for selfish interest, how karma always come to play to hunt the evil ones and the innocent ones, stay with me as the story unfolds. Watch out for Part 2 soonest !


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