
Words From The Marble

ABIRUN (IMBECILE) CONCLUDING PART. Before Titi and her family traveled, her paternal grandmother was living with them in their wretched apartment. Back to the day she came to school looking sad, it happened that her father won a visa lottery but he had run pillar to post to no avail for ticket fee. The ultimatum of three weeks given to him to get ticket fee remained just a week when he stormed to his mother to call her names. He called her useless mother that felt so relaxed about her child's misfortune. He threatened to commit suicide if the mother couldn't take a drastic step to ensure he was able to get the ticket fee. Back to where we stopped in Part 2. I was told that Titi and her parents arrived in the mansion her grandma built for them prior their arrival. They lived peacefully for just a week before one of Titi's siblings mysteriously screamed from his sleep and died immediately. This happened immediately after Titi's parents dreamt of grandma chasing the
ABIRUN (IMBECILE) PART 2 The school fees issue turned Titi's family and mine to family friends. I spent more time in her house than mine. Her house became my mood swing antitode. Anytime we closed from school ,we would go to her house together until my mother or driver would come to pick me in the evening. I preferred to starve or drink cassava flakes in her house to delicacies awaiting me at home. Well, my frequent visitation to their house brought about positive financial turn around to their family. A week would never pass by without my mother sending at least twenty thousands naira to her parents. One day, Titi came to school very dejected. She was not her normal self. As a challenged child I am, I could only give facial concern but couldn't ask her what the problem was. She noticed me, faked a smile and assured me everything will be okay. There was more to her sadness but I will like to reveal it in the concluding part of this story. Some weeks later, Titi, her fa
ÀYÀNMỌ́? FATE? (CONCLUDING PART) As I was emotionally carried away by the love my brother showered on my children, the seer brought me back from the land of thought with his thunderous voice warning me of the danger in backing out. My hands were shaking as I watched my brother performing ablution and helping my last child out simultaneously. He walked to the front of the mosque to call Adhan. I looked at the seer and asked if the spiritual knife would have effect on a man calling people to prayer. The seer laughed and replied, "Their God is so patient and do as He wishes. I have killed most Alfas while observing solat, prostration stage to be precise. I think their God never promise them everlasting life. I don't know what He promised them in the hereafter anyway." Hearing this, I closed my eyes and stabbed my brother repeatedly. I could hear my brother screaming in agony. I couldn't pity him because the deed has been done. I needed to face the reality of the cr
ÀYÀNMỌ́? FATE? (PART 3) Before I proceed, help me say amen to these prayers.... Anyone who copies this story without acknowledging me fully, uses it to make movie or write story book without seeking my consent, àtilọ àtibọ̀ ní pẹran ọ̀jẹ, ewé ojú omi èé nísinmi, ẹní gbódó mì èé gbádùn, such person will just be working while others will be earning the profit of his work.  As I reached where people were standing, I was told a woman wrongly accused my first child of picking her phone from her purse. I immediately knew what that could mean.  Theft and and armed robbery have become rampant in our area in recent weeks. Some weeks ago, armed robbers broke into our  Báálẹ̀'s house, carted away all his valuables, raped his two wives and shot dead his first child. Just last week, a miscreant was caught dragging phone with a pregnant woman along the street late at night. He had stabbed the woman thrice before people came to her rescue. The thief was handed over to the police while th
ÀYÀNMỌ́? FATE? (PART 2) As I said in the previous part, my brother's employment was like blessing Peter to impoverish Paul. I started experiencing  calamities upon calamities. Twice in a single month, the ships used to import my goods worth millions of dollars from US capsized. My landed properties worth billions of naira was razed by fire. One of my trusted employees absconded with 50million pounds from my company's capital. I could sight penury approaching me with full speed. I needed to take a vital step to stop evils befalling me. I couldn't afford to become a pauper. One of the greatest calamities that can happen to any human is to become poor after years of affluence. Before the evil trend, I was not the type that seek spiritual help from anyone. I believed what will be will surely be through hardwork. You can only boast to be a man when you are yet to face a great challenge that will make you run from pillar to post. I seek the help of a friend who agreed to