
Showing posts from 2017


True Situation Analysis of Life After Secondary School.. All your classmates have gone in different directions in the world. Some have completed universities and are now: Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Pilots, Lawyers, Administrators, etc. Some are married, Some have given birth, Some are still searching and waiting on the Lord. Some are dead, don't forget that too. And others are on the sick bed, Some are running their higher degrees: Masters, PHD, etc. Some haven't even gained admission into the tertiary institution and may NEVER be able to. Some own companies, Some are now Directors and major  shareholders in global companies. But how do you feel When you meet your classmates, and it seems like he/she has accomplished their   dreams And you're not yet close to yours? So many thoughts run through your mind, right? First, you think God has not been fair to you. How about the ones you meet on the street wearing dirty cloths  and still struggli


THE GAME CHANGER WE CALL UPON TO LEAD THE WAY.... Having been through a lot since the inception of this present Administration in our country,NIGERIANS have been made to pass through so many hard times all in the name of fighting corruption that was one sided, From the hick in fuel price,Recession that melt down our Naira in the eyes of dollar, The young, old, market women and men have found it difficult to cope with the high cost of commodities,Civil Servants are owed salaries for months, institutions are locked down. Youths find it difficult to cope with things that they embark on illegal travelling abroad that has resulted to several of them dead, while others face National disgrace. This wasn't the Change we were promised. When PRESIDENT MUHAMMADU BUHARI was campaigning back then all the promises he made and what we are experiencing now is the opposite. We've come to realise that this government has nothing for the masses all they could monster is propaganda and Actin


February 25,1964 was the day in Miami. The day of one of the greatest upset in the world of boxing and a day of motivation for anyone who is striving hard to become somebody in life never to give up. The young Muhammad Ali was fighting the then heavy weight champion Sonny Liston. During d pre-match interview,though seen as 7-1 underdog, the little Alli taunted Liston to smell like a bear and promised to present him to the zoo after beating him. The media thought Ali was saying all that to conceal his fear and some even doubt if he would show up for the fight. The D day comes! At the opening bell, Liston rushed at Ali,seemingly angry for his taunt and looking for a quick knockout. But Ali's superior speed and mobility enabled him to elude Liston, making the champion miss and look awkward. At the end of the first round Ali opened up his attack and hit Liston repeatedly with jabs. Liston fought better in round two, but at the beginning of the third round Ali hit Liston with a com


THE MUGABE IN MANY OF US Unconsciously, many of us who loathe, abhor and criticise Robert Mugabe for overstaying in office and equally accuse Zimbabweans of docility in all of these years, are equally guilty. When it comes to our turn, we rationalise it. For instance, a leader who ordinarily should do the "Mandela option" by laying a solid foundation and handing over to another person as a  Statesman, is being seeing as indispensable; without him, our nation/State/ local government/party would collapse; Someone who was a Commissioner in one State for eight years, serves as Governor for another eight years in another State, yet still planning to come back to the State he once served as Commissioner to be a Senator, is a Mugabe and those supporting such a move are no better than Mugabe; Someone that served as a member of State House of Assembly, Member of House of Representative and as a Senator and Still aspiring to be the next Governor of a state':You are a Mugabe


Statement of resignation of His Excellency Atiku Abubakar (Waziri Adamawa) Vice President of Nigeria, 1999-2007 from the All Progressives Congress On the 19th of December, 2013, I received members of the All Progressives Congress at my house in Abuja. They had come to appeal to me to join their party after my party, the Peoples Democratic Party, had become factionalized as a result of the special convention of August 31, 2013. The fractionalization of the Peoples Democratic Party on August 31, 2013 had left me in a situation where I was, with several other loyal party members, in limbo, not knowing which of the parallel executives of the party was the legitimate leadership. It was under this cloud that members of the APC made the appeal to me to join their party, with the promise that the injustices and failure to abide by its own constitution which had dogged the then PDP, would not be replicated in the APC and with the assurance that the vision other founding fathers and I had


I wanted to write about anger but found myself incapable of writing about something negative and destructive as that. So I came up with this article with one prospect in mind; the solution to anger. Many people are faced with one reason or another that can lead them to being angry. And it’s important they express it in one way or another. Some individuals show their anger by hitting their fist on something, be it a non-living thing (such as a wall), sometimes breaking their fingers in the process, or a fellow human being (breaking the nose of their spouse). Some grind their teeth and clench their jaw. While some others just laugh it off and meticulously plan a form of revenge. Whatever way one uses in expressing anger the bottom line is when anger is not well managed it eventually leads to destruction. It is like a bomb timed to cause havoc. It can bring a well planned objective or goal to total annihilation. It is therefore vital that we find a way through or around this issue. To


Creativity makes our world a better place. Really, what would the world look like if no significant discoveries were made? No revolutionary ideas, or even just new approaches to doing things? Creativity pushes humanity forward. It helps the gears of progress spin faster. And it simply makes people’s lives more comfortable and exciting. But you may be wondering, then, how to be creative. If you’re reading this, you’ve already taken the right first step to improving creativity skills. Today, we’ll find an answer to that question. Just continue reading this post, and you’ll find out what creativity really is, along with some great ways to spark creativity. We’ll describe six creativity techniques that you’ll be able to use while studying, working on a project, or just going about your everyday life. You’ll be amazed how easy it can be! The results of these techniques won’t keep you waiting. You’ll quickly discover your creative side. Are you ready? Let’s do this! CREATIVIT


Vadoma: The Ostrich People of Zimbabwe Who Have Just Two Toes The Vadoma people, also known as the Bantwana tribe, which means children/descendants, are a tribe living in the north of Zimbabwe, primarily in the Urungwe and Sipolilo districts on the Zambezi river valley. There are many in their community, who can't wear shoes due to the shape of their feet. They only have two big toes on each foot. They don't have middle toes and the two outer ones are turned in. They still can walk but with some difficulty according to the shape, running is also difficult to them. It is said this condition helps them while climbing trees, though. The elders of the Vadoma people claim that their remote ancestors were bird like beings who came from the stars and mixed their DNA with early earth women to produce offspring. The elders state that their ancient ancestors came from the star systems of Sirius and first established colonies on a planet within our solar system that they refer to as Li


  LOVE NEVER HURT, LONELINESS DOES!!! She is a faithful lady. any man's dream wife, unfortunately,she falls in love with a playboy,her heart is broken. she vows not to fall in love again. He is a responsible man. Any woman's dream man. Unfortunately, he falls in love with a hoe,his heart is broken. He vows not to love again. Fortunately for them,they meet each other,they are both compatible. But they can't realise it because they are both blinded by their bitter experiences. They take each other for granted and the best soul mates that suppose to be never give each other chance Dear lady who is a victim of a playboy. the fact that you were once betrayed doesn't mean all guys are bad,your father is a good example of a good man. Dear boyfriend that is a victim of a Casanova,the fact that you once loved the wrong lady and you were let down doesn't mean all ladies are bad. Your mother is an example of a good woman. Since you can't remain single for the rest of


GOtv selected 23 young boxers in Ibadan Kehinde Ayeotan 23 young boxers were on Saturday selected in Ibadan, the Oyo state capital at the Gotv Boxing NextGen Search 3, to join the professional ranks  at the GOtv Boxing NextGen Search 3,  The closing ceremony of the  even was held at July 21 Hall, Ring Road, Ibadan, with Ramon Razak, who came from Abuja, emerged the most valuable boxer. It was learnt that all the boxers selected will have their professional licences paid for by Mr. Adewunmi Ogunsanya (SAN), Chairman, MultiChoice Nigeria, and Chairman, GOtv Boxing.  Ogunsanya will also pay for comprehensive medical tests for each of the selected boxers. It was gathered that  the GOtv Boxing Chairman has directed that the Oyo State Boxing Association be given a cash support of N100, 000, with the coaches’ association in the state getting a cash support of N50,000.  Each of the best three boxers at the event, which began on Thursday, was given a GOtv decoder. The


NEGATIVE ATTITUDE OF WIVES THAT COULD RUIN A MARRIAGE. 1). Daring Your Husband To Beat You: You block the door way, then dare him to beat you up and see what will happen. A Lot of women have done this and end up regretting. 2). Daring Your Husband To Sleep With Another Woman: You will be making a major mistake if you dare your husband to sleep with another woman. You may live to regret it. 3). Neglecting Your Body And Looks Because You Are Married: “I am married I can relax, after all who is looking at me.?” He married you Slim, sexy and trendy. Next thing you become obsessed, dirty and shabbily dressed. It is the mistake of most careless married women. 4). Denying Your Husband Sex Regularly: You are a career woman; You are an overly religious woman...Hmmm! You feel sex in marriage is secondary, you deny your husband your body regularly, so he is sexually starved and intimacy famished. His Secretary, colleagues, and girls in church are seducing and begging him to come


*Death of a Musical Partnership: The Story of Haruna Ishola and Nurudeen Alowonle by Onigegewura* I first came across Haruna Ishola in the shop of Uncle Lasco, the tailor. Lasco was our neighbourhood tailor. He was Lagos trained, and in those days, that was like having a Royal Charter. Lasco was also a good man. He allowed us to use his charcoal iron to press our khaki school uniforms. His shop was thus a sort of mecca for all of us. You are wondering what Haruna Ishola was doing with Lasco, the tailor? No, Baba Gani Agba was not Lasco’s customer. I’m not even sure they ever met. Or may be they met when Lasco was being trained in Lagos. Onigegewura didn’t know and he didn’t ask. Lasco had a poster of Haruna Ishola in his shop. It was a big poster. It featured the legendary musician with his trademark gap-toothed smile. Alhadji Haruna Ishola, MON was the caption. I asked Lasco what MON stood for. He scratched his head for some seconds before telling me it was an abbreviation for


ARROGANCE: 1. ARROGANCE is just insecurity dressed up in a tuxedo trying to make others believe it's something it's not. 2. ARROGANCE takes a king from hail to fail... from the crown to the ground... from the throne to alone... but humility increases his name. 3. ARROGANCE  is just Idiocy with muscles. 4.  ARROGANCE and Ignorance are a lethal combination. It should be illegal for Proud and Dumb to share the same address. 5. ARROGANCE can't learn, because it thinks it already knows. 6. ARROGANCE in a season of success almost guarantees humiliation in the season that follows. 7. Never let ARROGANCE intimidate you. May it teach you what you should never do. 8. ARROGANCE most times is simply Low Self Esteem in Kingly garment. 9. Confidence is when you think you're right. ARROGANCE is when you think you're the only right one. 10. ARROGANCE in attitude is as a result of a deeper stench in the soul.


                WHY IT MUST BE SEN RASHIDI ADEWOLU LADOJA "AS NATIONAL CHAIRMAN OF PDP COME DEC 9th!!!! When senator Ladoja break the news that he want to contest for the covetous seat as the National Chairman of PDP. So many eye Brow's were raised as to why him? OYO state was first at shock because a lot of People thought he still have it in mind to contest for Governor come 2019. APC as a party were having two different feelings "happy that one man who makes politicking in OYO State interesting and competitive is no more running for Governorship" At the same time wary of the fact that if he emerged as the party Chairman then its certain that PDP will win the state come 2019 considering the fact that SEN Ladoja have very strong anticident of waxing any political party he belongs to,drawing that from his days at ACCORD PARTY. Where he turn Accord party to the strongest opposition Party in the state just within few months, Winning some reasonable amount of OYHA

BUHARI Appoints Adeyeye's Wife Prof. Moji Christianah New NAFDAC DG

Buhari appoints Adeyeye’s wife, Prof. Moji Christianah new NAFDAC DG Source: Daily Post Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed Professor Moji Christianah Adeyeye, wife of Senator Olusola Adeyeye (Osun Central) as the new Director-General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, NAFDAC. Mrs. Adeyeye, founder of Drugs for AIDS and HIV Patients, a nonprofit organization committed to prevention, education, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS children in Nigeria, takes over from Mr. Ademola Andrew Magbojuri who was appointed as the Acting Director-General of NAFDAC in September. Magbojuri had taken over from Mrs. Yetunde Oni, who attained the retirement age of 60 years in September and also served in the acting capacity for 18 months following the sack of Dr. Paul Orhii. The new DG attended the University of Nigeria, obtaining a BSc in pharmaceutics in 1976, and went on to the University of Georgia where she obtained an M.S and a Ph.D. in pharmace


VANITY UPON VANITY, ALL IS VANITY. The Human Body After Death. *3 days after death, finger nails begin to fall; *4 days after death, hairs breaks out of the skull and all body hairs fall; *5 days after death, the brain starts to sag, the flesh fades, the buttock, breast, penis, Vagina, will decay (those things that normally drives you into sin, hmmm) *6 days after death, the skin begins to noircir and gradually detach from the bones; *7 days after death, the belly melts and radiates a strong odour beginning with a gaping mouth and a genital organ appealing the marauders; *60 days after death, the whole human body is reduced to nothing bones; -THEREFORE; Why too much pride? Why too much selfishness? Why too much hate? Why too much jealousy? Why too much evil deeds? Man is a dust and must surely go back to the dust to help the land to be fertile. Do you think that you are the owner of yourself? Why not humble yourself? Why not love your neighbours? Stop those selfis


SIX WAYS MEN CAN ESCAPE POVERTY 1. Get the right woman: Forget the slay queens and women with looks but zero brains. Get a woman who will not only support your vision but will also push you to achieve more. A woman who will inspire you to work hard and not a woman who just makes you hard. He who finds a real woman finds a good thing and obtains favour and power to create wealth. 2. Stop Taking Cheap Drinks: I have no problem with having drinks during social interaction and networking. However, when you drink cheap drinks or drink in cheap places, you hang out with cheap people who have cheap ideas and a cheap future. Big business opportunities are found in places where the drinks are expensive. In fact, in places where they sell cheap drinks, the only people you will find there are people who will be asking you for money. They even clap when you come knowing 'big buyer' has come. 3. Stop being Lazy: "Man ooh Man, why art thou Lazy?" You are too lazy for yo